We present an opportunity to showcase your work to peer researchers, lecturers, practitioners, policymakers, and innovation partners from around the world.
Important dates :
- Extended Deadline for abstract submission : 25th February 2024
- Final announcement of accepted abstracts : 31st March 2024
- Please submit you abstract @ lambeck@freeler.nl
Submission of papers
Abstracts (Maximal 1 page in length) are to be submitted for review. When submitting your Abstract:
- Please save your document in Word (.doc or .docx) with FIRST AUTHOR'S LAST NAME (e.g. Lambeck.docx). If the author has two or more submissions as a first author, please indicate it as “Lambeck1.docx", “Lambeck2.docx.
- Please state your preference for ORAL or POSTER presentation below. Please note that you may not get your preference due to the volume of paper submissions.
- Specific instructions and sample abstracts can be viewed below.
- Upon submitting your abstract, you agree that, if selected, your abstract will also be accessible to the public electronically and will be included in the book of abstracts.
- If you have any specific questions regarding your submission, please contact the Scientific Committee at lambeck@freeler.nl
Evaluation by the Scientific Committee
All abstracts will be initially reviewed by the Scientific Committee Chair or Co-Chairs to ensure that the topic is appropriate, the template has been used, submission guidelines have been followed, and correct grammar is used. All papers must be related to Aquatics preferably active therapy. Abstracts will then be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee. Reviewers will be assessing its suitability for presentation at the conference. Based on the review your abstract will be categorised as one of the following:
- Reject: Not suitable for presentation.
- Conditional Acceptance: The abstract will only be accepted if the author(s) can make satisfactory responses to the reviewers' concerns.
- Accept with Minor Changes: The author(s) must respond to the reviewers' concerns to the satisfaction of the editor of the proceedings.
- Accept (indicating presentation form).
Instructions for the authors
All abstracts must be prepared strictly according to the following guidelines. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will not be reviewed. We encourage early submission to ensure prompt confirmation and processing.
- The abstract must be written in English and electronically submitted as a Microsoft Word file. The paper can be no more than one A4 page in length, single spaced, in Arial size 11 font with normal character spacing. Set your page to A4 portrait (30cm high by 21cm wide). The printing area should be 25cm by 16cm. Set the left and right margins at 2.5cm and the top and bottom margins at 2.5cm. The printing (other than formulas and tables) should be right and left justified. Do NOT indent the first line of paragraphs or sections.
- Use one or two lines to write the TITLE in CAPITAL LETTERS. Skip one line and type the author(s) surname and initials in lower case. On the next line give the author(s) affiliation(s), and country in lower case.
- Right and left justify all the following text (except formulas and tables). Skip one line and list up to four keywords not used in the title describing your paper alongside the sub-heading KEYWORDS: in lower case.
- Skip another line. Your abstract should have the following structure: An INTRODUCTION indicating the significance and purpose of the research and citing the primary literature sources. A description of the METHODS of data collection, data analysis, and research design. A RESULTS and DISCUSSION section. These sections may be combined, if desired, in the interests of saving space. A CONCLUSION can be given with reference to implications and applications of the work to aquatic rehabilitation.
- Skip a line after each of the above major sections. Each of the major headings listed above should be left justified (NOT indented or centred), in BOLD CAPITALS, and followed by a colon. The text then continues along the same line. Lower-level headings should follow the same format and should be in lower case (NOT capitals). Do NOT skip lines between paragraphs or before lower-level headings.
- The abstract should provide sufficient information for readers to fully assess the aims, methods, results, and implications of the research in question. Each submission must be original work that has not been published previously. The main emphasis of the abstract should be on the results and discussion. Results may be in the form of text. Graphics or tables are not advisable. Equations can be provided if it is part of the text and within the special characters of the submission system. Only SI units are to be employed. The discussion includes the major findings and conclusions. Please try to minimise the number of references. Quote only those having a major impact on the matter in question.
Poster Presentation
Posters should be printed out in A0 size, in portrait format (width of 841mm and height of 1189mm).
Oral Presentation
Oral presentations are 11 minutes in length with up to 2 minutes of question time. Presenters will be asked to upload their PowerPoint presentation onto their presentation room computer before the first session in the morning or afternoon before the planned presentation. Presenters will not be permitted to use their own laptops except for keynote and invited speakers.
Please click on this ABSTRACT SAMPLE link to see an example of the required format.