If you are not currently a member - please consider joining us - see instructions below. 

How to join Online

This is the easiest and quickest way to join, using our secure online process.  It typically takes 3-5 minutes (if you already have a CSP website account) and access to ATACP member content on the website is immediate. 

Non-CSP member can join online following these instructions:-

Please register here with any details your wish, you must tick the box that says 'I am not and never have been a CSP member (Qualified, Associate or Student)' and the website will not try and use your membership number. The only thing it will check is whether the email address is already on another website account, if so, please use a different email address.

We use Bacs Direct Debit via our merchant Gocardless, this allows us to collect GBP-denominated payments from a bank account in the United Kingdom only.  Euro denominated and other international payment are currently not accepted through our online payments system.


Membership is open to any Chartered Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy Assistant, Student, Physiotherapy / Hydrotherapy / Aquatic Therapy Department or person who has a special interest in Hydrotherapy / Aquatic Therapy.

Membership is for a 12 months rolling period.

 Membership may be through one of the following categories:

 A.  FULL or ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is open to CSP members (physiotherapists, lecturers, managers, assistants, technical instructors), the individual has the right to vote at the AGM. It entitles access to our Members Only content on our website containing:-

  • Free ATACP publications in including Guidance on "Good Practice in Aquatic Physiotherapy" (2021) & "Hydrotherapy Pools - Expert Clinical Considerations in Planning and Design" (2020), National Manifesto for Hydrotherapy (2024)
  • The Aquatic Therapy Research Database  is an easy reference for the latest (2020 onwards) Aquatic Therapy related research. 

  • Webinar Library with retrospective access 
  • Aqualines Library (1999 up to 2020 - now discontinued)
  • Reduced rate attendance at study days
  • £Free regular webinars 

Full or associate membership can be for an individual, or physiotherapy departments can apply for departmental membership. Departmental membership permits the right for one vote at the AGM, and for one staff member to attend at the reduced rate to our events. A named departmental therapist is entitled to the Member Only access content on our website, and the purchase of ATACP publications at a reduced rate.

B. ALLIED MEMBERSHIP is open to non CSP members  who have an equivalent health professional body membership, as well as student physiotherapists (who can apply for allied membership at a reduced subscription). Allied members have the same benefits as full or associate members, but do not have the right to vote at the AGM. International physiotherapists are eligible for allied membership if they hold the equivalent qualification and are a member of their own professional body.


Current rates

Individual £20 
Equivalent Health Professional Body Membership, International & Overseas£20
Student £15

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